The infographic above shows the ranking of top 10 cities according to IESE Business School 2020 Cities in Motion Index (CIMI). CIMI aims to compare 174 cities in 80 countries across nine dimensions: Economy, Human Capital, Social Cohesion, Environment, Governance, Urban Planning, International Projection, Technology, Mobility & Transportation. These nine dimensions cover wide contrasting range of areas on which a city can be measured. Given this wide range, you cannot expect any city to be at the top in all dimensions (we call that heaven in other words!). There are, however, some interesting observations that can be made from the chart above.
The Rankings
- Looking at previous versions of these rankings, you will find London and New York consistently feature at the top. Here is the last year’s version of this index. London gets the highest ranking in the index by ranking high on human capital, governance, urban planning, international projection and mobility & transportation while not ranking too low for other dimensions.
- New York, on the other hand, does pretty well on economy, human capital, urban planning and mobility & transportation. However, it has the worst rating for social cohesion and environment among the top 10 cities.
- Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong are among the worst for mobility & transportation among the top 10. This might come as a surprise given they boast a great local train system. Table 6 from Page 21 of the 2020 report explains how the measure is calculated where train system is one aspect of mobility & transportation.
- Reykjavik and Copenhagen benefit from being the most environment friendly cities.
- Amsterdam, Singapore and Tokyo have the least spread among dimensions i.e. the difference between highest ranked dimension and lowest ranked dimension.
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