We Could Have Called Google the Whatbox
Choosing a name would be one of the first things you do when you are setting up a company. Google, one of the biggest tech companies, apparently went through the same process decades ago. And we could have called Google the Whatbox, had Larry Page and Sergey Brin chosen this name.
The term Google has become so common that you even use it as a verb when you want to say you search something on the Internet. You go, “I’ll google it!” Everyone knows what you mean. The name Google is just so brilliant—it is short, crisp, and it sounds familiar in any language. It is easy for anyone to pronounce, from children to the elder.
But what if it were “the Whatbox” not Google? Certainly, many non-English speakers would find it unfamiliar. The easy phrase “I’ll Google” would have been “I’ll the Whatbox”—sounds awkward, isn’t it?
So how did “Google” become “Google”? In the Medium article “Google Was Almost Going To Be Called “The Whatbox”“, the author Jamie Logie unfolds where the name Google came from, throwing light on the early days of the giant tech of today. We were so close to call Google “The Whatbox.”
Please check out the full article of this infographic here which details interesting incident why Google eventually ended up with its eventual name.
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